Set in Perth’s notorious KGB (Koondoola, Girrawheen, Balga), the series – described as a cross between Black Comedy and Hot Fuzz – follows two rookie detectives, tough guy Jack and gentle giant Nigel, as they deal with the chaos of their new jobs, no-nonsense boss, work rivals, drug dealers and culprits who consistently turn out to be family members. Despite battling their own insecurities at every turn, and the fact that Jack bullied Nigel in high school, these two might just turn out to be KGB’s finest detectives.
The cast include Clarence Ryan, Bjorn Stewart, Genevieve Morris, Mark Coles Smith, Aaron McGrath, Jesse Phillips, Lynette Narkle and Amy Smith.
KGB is executive produced by Lauren Elliott of Mad Kids, produced by Taryne Laffar and created and written by the Dan and Luke Riches, together with emerging WA screenwriters Joel Gray and Clare Toonen. The Riches also direct, with Henry Inglis as director’s mentor.
Taryne LAFFAR | Producer
Lauren Elliott | Executive Producer
Creators, Writers and Directors | Luke and Dan Riches
Writers | Clare Toonen and Joel Gray